Cut your energy use and your carbon footprint

Solar Panels

Install a state-of-the-art solar water heating system - combine solar panels with your existing central heating system and get free hot water.

Solar Panels

Benefits of Solar Panels

Solar panels use clean energy to power solar water heating systems, saving you money and improving your home's energy efficiency.

  • Free hot water throughout the year

    Even during the winter months the system works with your boiler or immersion heater to heat up your water, reducing energy bills and your carbon footprint.

  • Reduced energy costs

    The initial cost of installing the panels is offset by reduced heating costs over the years – free sunlight to heat your water!

  • Lower carbon foot print

    By installing solar panels you use natural sunlight to heat your water – free energy and less carbon emissions

  • Low maintenance

    You will be pleased to know that maintenance costs for solar water heating systems are generally very low. Manufacturers provide a five to ten-year warranty. Nu-Eco Heat will be able to conduct any maintenance you need to ensure you get the best from your solar water system.

We conduct annual service checks for systems that we install and also for customers who have existing solar water heating systems. The service includes checking the water pump and for any leaks, advising whether any parts need replacing and topping up the glycol solution on the panels if required. This will ensure that your solar panel system is kept running efficiently.

How solar panels work

Solar panels, fitted to the roof, work by collecting heat from the sun and using it to heat up water which is stored in a hot water cylinder. If you require a higher temperature, a boiler or immersion heater can be used as a back-up to further heat the water.

There are two types of solar water heating panels:

Evacuated tubes

Evacuated tubes, also known as solar tubes are an extremely efficient way of collecting heat from the sun and are best suited to climates where freezing can occur. Each tube is highly insulated and nearly impervious to outside temperatures which allows them to be used in areas where temperatures can drop down to -50°C.

Flat plate collectors

Flat-plate collectors, also known as solar heating panels are better suited to warmer, sunnier climates. They are cheaper to install and are more aesthetically pleasing making them the more popular choice.

Things to consider

In order to know whether solar water heating is right for your home, you’ll need to ask yourself some questions.

  • Do you have space on your roof?

    You will need approximately five square metres of roof space which receives direct sunlight for the main part of the day. However, the panels don't have to be mounted on a roof and can be fixed to a frame on a flat roof or hung from a wall.

  • Can your home accommodate a larger hot water cylinder?

    You will usually need to replace the existing cylinder, or add a dedicated cylinder with a solar heating coil. We can advise you of the most cost efficient way to do this.

  • Do you have a boiler that is compatible with a solar water heating system?

    Most conventional boiler and hot water cylinder systems are compatible with solar water heating. However, if you have a combi boiler system that doesn’t have a hot water tank, you will need to change your system. This can easily be done at the same time as your solar panels installation. We can also help you insulate your loft.

Nu-Eco Heat are competent accredited solar panel installers. If you are interested in solar panels, please give us a call. We will survey your home and advise you as to your best, most cost effective option.